export subsidies

英 [ɪkˈspɔːt ˈsʌbsɪdiz] 美 [ɪkˈspɔːrt ˈsʌbsədiz]




  1. The US wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance.
  2. The White House agency has asked Malaysia to provide details of how they work so other countries can assess whether the tax breaks violate a World Trade Organization ban on export subsidies.
  3. These include new export subsidies announced by the European Union for farm products; and tax rebates for exporters pushed by China and India.
  4. The irony is that export subsidies and import tariffs are individually disciplined in the WTO but their lethal combination in an undervalued exchange rate is not.
  5. First, undervalued exchange rates are de facto protectionist trade policies because they are a combination of export subsidies and import tariffs.
  6. We are seeing slow but steady movement by China to abide by the international trading rules, which say export subsidies and tax incentives for exports are to be eliminated.
  7. Analytically, this is equivalent to a combination of import tariffs and export subsidies-that is, to overt protectionism.
  8. Export subsidies, tax exemptions and concessionary export financing
  9. 234. The representative of China confirmed that by the date of accession, China would not maintain or introduce any export subsidies on agricultural products.
  10. A Study of the Economic Effects of Export Subsidies and Countervailing under the Two-way Export
  11. Under Trade Protection Impact Analysis Agricultural Export Subsidies to Agricultural Products of China's Trade
  12. Export subsidies not listed in paragraph 1 of Article 9 shall not be applied in a manner which results in, or which threatens to lead to, circumvention of export subsidy commitments;
  13. A second WTO case, against illegal Chinese export subsidies, may also be filed next year.
  14. The House of Representatives has passed a bill authorising countervailing import duties against the export subsidies created by undervalued exchange rates as with China.
  15. It will be tempting to prop up domestic jobs and incomes by diverting demand from abroad with export subsidies, tariffs and cheaper currencies.
  16. Agricultural Negotiations in Doha: an Analysis of the Impact of Canceling Export Subsidies
  17. The EU announced new export subsidies on butter, cheese, and milk powder.
  18. It has agreed to slash tariffs and to eliminate import quotas, to dismantle export subsidies, and to open service industries to foreign competition.
  19. Persistent, deliberate undervaluation works exactly like import tariffs combined with export subsidies.
  20. Each Member undertakes not to provide export subsidies otherwise than in conformity with this Agreement and with the commitments as specified in that Member's Schedule.
  21. The US is to launch a case at the world trade organisation against China over its export subsidies on cars and car parts, alleging that they are putting American manufacturers at a competitive disadvantage and forcing them to shift production overseas.
  22. At a more mundane level, each country's array of export subsidies and duties and import barriers is a separate fiscal policy.
  23. Speaking Friday in Hong Kong, Mandelson said the United States and other wealthy countries must do more to reduce the export subsidies that distort trade.
  24. In this context, China shall not maintain or introduce any export subsidies on agricultural products.
  25. Limited system of export subsidies
  26. As the world's two largest traders, [ they] have yet to make substantial concessions on high import tariffs on farm products, export subsidies for agriculture and the huge domestic support for their agricultural products, he said.
  27. Export subsidies are generally not used explicitly but occur implicitly through changes in the profit margins of marketing boards.
  28. However, the WTO says key commitments include: eliminating agricultural export subsidies;
  29. Export subsidies for polluting industries have been phased out.